ADT® Authorized Dealer Serving Gaithersburg & Surrounding Areas

Layering Your Protection Is A Wise Approach

Layering your home’s protection is a wise approach for safeguarding your home. A diversified residential security package should include door and window sensors, video surveillance, high-def doorbell video, motion-detection lights, and smart locking systems. Your signage warns prospective prowlers that these layered devices exist but they would only be a single aspect of your total defense package.

Home security signs may be enough to discourage a first-time intruder in Gaithersburg, but a decal next to your door will not keep away a seasoned thief. If they fail to find added security measures, they may conclude the signage is just for show and your house is a suitable target.

November 11, 2021

Will Home Security Signs Deter Intrusion In Gaithersburg?

There's a common myth that placing signage from a home security company next to your home’s entrance is the only thing required to ward off criminals. Essentially, an intruder is supposed to find "Protected By ADT'' and bypass your house. So why not simply use a home security sign in Gaithersburg and not worry about installing a home security system? Frankly, some think that a alarm system isn’t necessary, you just need a home security sign in Gaithersburg. It’s the home security sign that deters intrusion in Gaithersburg not your actual home security system.

Even though there is a benefit to showing off signs and decals from respected security companies such as ADT®, it won’t be sufficient to dissuade all burglars. Instead, you're better off backing them up with some actual security devices. It seems like a smarter and safer plan than simply assuming that your home security signs will deter intrusion in Gaithersburg.

Reinforce Your Gaithersburg Home Security Signs With Integrated Security Components

While home security signs may deter intrusion on occasion, it’s not wise to rely on them as your only form of protection. Instead, you should try implementing a combination of these devices:

● Surveillance systems: Not surprisingly, no burglar wants to be captured by surveillance as it could be critical evidence in a criminal case. Go with exterior surveillance that covers primary entry points like your front and back doors, garage, and windows.

● Sensors for access points: Most burglars will enter via your front door, back door, and windows, so you need to have them protected by detection equipment like motion and glass break sensors. In the event a device is triggered, your integrated home defense will warn you and your 24.7 monitoring professionals.

● Exterior motion-sensor lights: While it’s a fact that a great deal of invasions take place in broad daylight when individuals are working, you must also have a plan to defend against nighttime prowlers. Motion-detection lighting placed strategically near your entry points will immediately shine a light on questionable activity and scare off unwanted guests.

● Smart entry locks and video doorbells: Smart locks will inform you whenever a person attempts to engage your entry. A doorbell camera adds another layer of security by offering a live video feed. Both work with your smartphone security application.

● Smart light bulbs: A great home automation tool, smart light bulbs may be put on a daily plan or engaged right from your smartphone. These innovative gadgets will give the impression you are on-site and successfully turn away burglars.

Get Started On Your Complete Home Defense Plan

Why run the risk that standalone home security signs will deter intrusion in Gaithersburg when you can have a complete home defense package? Reach out to (301) 278-8866 or fill out the contact form to get started. You may select from a number of packages at affordable monthly rates or you may configure your security any way you like.